Contact us

The Society makes no genealogical researchs and is not entitled to provide proofs of nobility (it is to be noted that nobility is not recognised by French law).
In addition, the Society does not register coats of arms. Concerning further informations, please read the Heraldry section.
To contact the SFHS, send your mail to the following adress :

Société Française d’Héraldique et de Sigillographie

60, rue des Francs-Bourgeois 
75141 – Paris cedex 03 – FRANCE

What’s more, you may help us to improve this website :

  • report links to other websites dedicated to heraldry or sigillography, or outdated links ;
  • report publications and events concerning heraldry and sigillography (exhibitions, shows, colloquiums, conferences, etc) ;
  • suggest enhancements of the content or mistakes that might have escaped our attention ;
  • propose articles to be published on our Heraldry or Sigillography sections (submitted to our scientific council before publication on-line) ;
  • do not overestimate the capabilities and possibilities of our secretariat. Our modest means do not allow us to conduct specific research to answer personal questions about genealogy, family history and their coats of arms. Thank you for your understanding.

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