Bibliographies and book reviews

This section aims at giving researchers and students a few bibliographic informations concerning heraldry and sigillography, either french or international.
For heraldry, the bibliographic reference work is Michel Popoff’s book (Bibliographie héraldique internationale, Paris, Le Léopard d’Or, 2003). The author kindly provided our website with a free on-line and updated version of this publication (1.46 Mo – 433 pages – last update : may 2008).
Regarding sigillography, the reference work is René Gandilhon and Michel Pastoureau’s book (Bibliographie de la sigillographie française, Paris, Picard, 1981). It is completed by Martine Dalas and Jean-Luc Chassel’s publications “Bibliographie de la sigillographie française. 1982-1986” (in the Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie, t. 54-59, 1984-1989, p. 237-268) and “…1986-1991” (ibidem, t. 60-61, 1990-1991, p. 255-281).
Some other works are available on our website :
– Jean-Luc CHASSEL, Bibliographie de la sigillographie française, 1991-2000 (Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie, t. 67-69, 1997-1999, p. 137-153),
– a preparatory version of the bibliography of years 2001-2010 by the same author.

Book reviews

In the following drop-down menu, you may find selected reviews (in French) of books edited between 1998 and 2015, concerning medieval and modern heraldry, sigillography or, more widely, the emblematic.

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